Special recognition may be in order whenever an employee performs his/her duties in an exemplary manner. Please complete the following fields to submit and nominate that employee for the recognition they deserve.
Granted to any department member for a successful effort in saving a human life that involved exceptional courage or performance.
An award granted to any department member or member of a client who shows an exemplary effort to identify, analyze, and successfully respond to causes, conditions, and problems that may lead to crime and or disorder for any client.
An award presented to any department member or client who has made a significant impact on public safety or crime prevention.
Granted to any department member for an outstanding act or achievement that brings great credit to the department and involves performance above and beyond that required by the member's basic assignment.
An award granted to Department Members of a unit or detail who exhibited exceptional professional skill and conduct during a coordinated action.
Granted to department members who have performed distinguished acts of bravery in the protection of life or property.